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Hospitality not Hostility: Forced Environmental Migration


International Relations & Law, Earth & Natural Sciences, Media Studies

Intersectional research between Earth Science, International Law and Transmedia Storytelling, interns will conduct a comparative study of migration viewed as ecological biomes vs nation bound borders, and create transmedia advocacy campaigns.

Agricultural devastation of land, forests, and freshwater lakes and rivers has led to urban overpopulation, infrastructure collapse, and pollution and waste crises. These environmental crises are a significant factor in forced migration and modern slavery with a disproportionate effect on women and children.

Environmental migration is not currently recognized by international law. Nation borders and citizenship requirements as well as the use of targeted language has created an 'othering' that has turned migration from hospitality to hostility.

Migration in the language of nature is the language of relationships, and understanding life means understanding relationships. In multiple narratives, we find our identity and self in relation to the environment, which then brings forth a new perspective.

Can the idea of "Biomes not Borders" create a shift in perception to the interconnected reality of our human condition as part of a new ethical standard?

Research Boundaries & Methodology

  • Bioregion of focus: Ecological precarity and mobility across the Mediterranean

  • Earth Studies: Mutual constitutions of ecologies, scientific expertise, and infrastructures as conduits for people’s claims about livelihood and moral subjectivity.

  • International Relations: Shifting population movements accompanying state formation, expanding the study of Middle East politics, and emphasis on environmental migration.

  • Biomimicry Models: Ecological succession, invasive species, and Life's Principles specifically, the Life's Principles of "evolve to survive" and "adapt to changing conditions."

Sub Projects


Dr. Catarina Scaramelli

Assistant Professor

Boston University

Caterina Scaramelli | Anthropology (

Dr. Carrie Preston

Professor of English  and Women's studies,

Director of Center for Forced Migration and Kilichand Honors Program

Boston University

Carrie Preston | English (

Carrie Preston | LinkedIn

Dr Noora Lori

Assistant Professor of International Relations

Boston University

Noora Lori | Pardee School of Global Studies (

Noora Lori | LinkedIn

BG website(1).jpg

The version of the Greek Artemis has long been a thorn in my side… I realized early on that she was being purposely overlooked as a powerful divinity of righteous rage and dark vengeance… and she is more fearsome than historically imagined. It is this Artemis who draws the loyalty and commitment of her followers, particularly women…."

- Dr. Carla Ionescu

Project Gallery

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