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Nature’s Voice: Eco-Ethics & Indigenous Language


Business, Ethics, Sustainability, Impact Finance, Policy, Community Engagement, Social Impact, Linguistics, Language Studies, International Relations, Communications

Interacting with Passamoquoddy and Zulu indigenous language to define values of goodness through diverse cultural perspectives and inform regenerative project planning.

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Available Intern Positions:

3 High School, 3 Undergrad & 1 Master, PhD

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"Working with Born Global widened my way of thinking and approach to tackling problems. I was able to share ideas and work with a multidisciplinary research group and think collaboratively and innovatively to solve problems. I also got introduced to various tools and techniques of social science research and analysis."

Liban Thaikkattil  

Assistant Professor of Forestry Natural Sciences 

Ph.D in Forestry -University of Maine


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